Three 31


Finish This #34

IT’S WEEK 34 OF FINISH THIS … this week is all about hair and, quite frankly, I’m the world’s most boring, predictable person when it comes to hair. My hair looks the same every day, no questions asked. Womp. Womp. Wooooomp.

You know the drill by now … the co-hosts of this lovely link up are LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31) and the instructions are  simple: answer the prompt(s) on your blog and add the post to the link up. Easy-peasy, my lovelies!  Oh, and next week’s prompts are at the bottom of the page.


1. My daily hair routine consists of
readjusting my messy up-do. It’s not a ponytail or bun, but rather a handful of hair, poofy and curly, gathered in an elastic band. The main reason I wear my hair up and back every single second of every day is because I hate it in my face. Yuck! I’m the most easy-going, lowest maintenance woman on the planet when it comes to hair and makeup. Most days, I glimpse at myself in a floor-to-ceiling mirror at the gym and shout, “DAMN GIRL, YOU A HOT MESS!” Okay, maybe I think it, I don’t say it, but I am hot and my hair is a mess. I don’t own a comb or blow dryer either. My hair has been professionally straightened once and I hated it. Last Saturday morning, I got a haircut. I get one twice a year, if I’m lucky, and I pay less than 20-dollars, including tip. It’s awesome.

2. The best hair advice I’ve received
was wash your hair every other day or third day. Okay! Showering is so much better when I don’t have to wash my hair. I save time, water, and conditioner, which I buy by the gallon. You girls with curls know what I’m talking about. The bottle of conditioner always empties before the shampoo. It’s super annoying.

3. My hair idol is
I honestly can’t think of anybody. I don’t want anybody else’s hair. Most days, I don’t want the hair I have, much less some other person’s hair! I definitely don’t want a cut or style that requires a lot of maintenance. Plus, my hair has never – EVER – been permed or colored, not even highlights. What you see is what you get. When I’m at the salon getting it cut, I tell the hairdresser, “You can do whatever you want, cut it as short as you wish, as long as my hair is long enough to get back up!”

Invite your blogging friends and come back next Wednesday for another round of Finish This where we’ll answer another set of prompts!

Prompt for WEEK 35 — September 3
I celebrated Labor Day by
My dream job/career, would be
My first paying job was
My current job is