Three 31

Tippit Family Photos

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Before I share photos from an amazing session last weekend, I feel the need to give you a brief history lesson on my extended family:

I married Husband. His dad is Don, who has three sisters: Cathy, Debbie, and Betty Jo. Betty Jo married Curtis. Curtis is the youngest son of JD and Marie Tippit. JD Tippit was a Dallas Police Officer. On November 22, 1963, less than an hour after the assassination of President John Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald fatally shot and killed Officer JD Tippit.

Last Saturday, I got to meet Marie Tippit. She is a beautiful lady with a radiant smile and more stories and memories than you could shake a stick at … and she gives great hugs. I’m proud to say I’m related to Marie and I’m incredibly thankful to the Hutchison and Tippit families for accepting me as one of their own.

Now for some pictures!

Curtis and Betty Jo have eight children, two boys and six daughters:

Tippett Family - FOR WEB-33

Four of their children are married and they have one granddaughter plus two more grandchildren on the way!

Tippett Family - FOR WEB-39

Here is Curtis and Betty Jo with his mother, Marie, and sister, Brenda. He has another brother named Charles, but I’ve not met him.

Tippett Family - FOR WEB-47

Now, this is not ALL of the Hutchison clan, but it’s a big chunk of them. If my math is correct, there are 39 Hutchison’s and 21 are pictured below, plus two babies still baking in the womb!

Tippett Family - FOR WEB-43

On this Memorial Day, I can’t think of a better way to honor and remember those who have served and sacrificed in the line of duty than to share pictures of the Tippit Family. To all of our armed forces and service personnel, past and present, thank you.

To Betty Jo, you have a TRIBE of support behind and beside. You will not fight this cancer alone!


Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

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