Three 31

Finish This #56



My thoughts on chocolate …

Chocolate. It’s not my favorite food group in the world, but I enjoy a taste of it every now and then. I really dislike the taste of dark chocolate, just the smell (like coffee) gives me a massive headache. I do, however, love chocolate desserts, specifically cupcakes (yellow or chocolate cake) with towers of chocolate icing. Mmmmm, icing. You know those tubs of icing they sell at the grocery? Yeah, I just need a spoon and a tub of icing to be happy. I also love brownies, double-stuffed Oreos, and cookie dough. And chocolate chip cookies. If you need a recipe, this is my favorite – feel free to omit the oats and flax seeds if you don’t need to boost your lactation supply!

Bloggers, please add your post to the link up through the link below. 🙂

Prompt for Week #57
Board Game…

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

14 thoughts on “Finish This #56

  1. I love yellow cake with chocolate icing!

  2. no frosting here either…unless it is “buttercream”

  3. I used to be a hater of dark chocolate but in college my Aunt that I lived with kept Dove dark chocolate squares in the freezer and sometimes after a bad day, that was the perfect pick-me-up treat. However, apparently not all dark chocolate is equal! I had a square of it today from a friend and had to work hard not to spit the nasty out!

  4. I love chocolate not dark or white but just regular chocolate. Icing (chocolate) right straight out of the container is the best way to eat it. No Nicole it doesn’t seem that you’re the only one. LOL Hope you’re having a wonderful day with Kam and that you’re going to be baking some chocolate chip cookies soon now that is my best weakness.

  5. Mmmmmmm…I love me some chocolate EVERYTHING.

    I can’t wait to read about your favorite chore. Bleh. Isn’t that like saying, “My favorite exercise is…” Never have I uttered such a sentence. What in the hell?

  6. I’m not a fan of icing in general. If i take a cupcake or piece of cake I’m usually scraping it off.
    Dark chocolate is the best chocolate!

    • You sound like Husband, he’d rather have cake ONLY than cake with icing. He’s weird. You’re weird. But I love you both …. and will happily consume the icing you don’t. HAHAHAHA

      On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  7. Chocolate icing….how did I not think of that??? I love to eat icing straight from the container!

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!