Three 31

An Open Letter ||| PUT PEN TO PAPER {a link-up}





Please ignore that big black blob. Inappropriate nonsense lies beneath. 🙂




Holy hell, I cannot believe I just shared that.
Please don’t ask if it involves you, it doesn’t.





Wow, that was painful and exhausting and liberating.


Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

29 thoughts on “An Open Letter ||| PUT PEN TO PAPER {a link-up}

  1. Pingback: Final Resolution Update of 2013 | Three 31

  2. Pingback: Top 5 Reasons NOT to Go to Law School- Real Life Notes

  3. Pingback: Top 5 Reasons NOT to Go to Law School- Real Life NotesReal Life Notes

  4. Pingback: Resolution Update | January « Three 31

  5. Ok this is adorable. Great idea!! I just got back from israel this week!! Are you going just for fun? I was on a Mediterranean cruise, so I only spent two days in Jerusalem, but it was magical. My only regret is that I didn’t have more time there!! Look forward to hearing all about your trip. Ps. Thanks for posting on my blog. I didn’t know anyone out there read my posts, haha!!

    • I love your posts … but I admit that I do not comment as often as I read. I’m going to work on that statistic. LOL

      Oh. My. I can’t imagine how MAGICAL you’re cruise must have been, wow! To the Mediterranean? LUCKY YOU! I’m leaving this Wednesday for a week-long tour of the Holy Land with a group from my church. There is a total of 50 people going, just enough to fill a tour bus. Our trip is organized/coordinated through Educational Opportunities. I’m looking forward to it, I’m filled with wonder and excitement and anticipation.

  6. oh, beeutiful post, Nicole and really love your blog theme…now, i am a bit confused. please tell me about this Link Up event.
    and i know i need to tell you…many blessings in 2013!! 🙂

    • Hey there! Thanks for commenting. The link-up is pretty simple stuff: publish a blog post, add your URL code to the link-up directory, and TA-DAH you’re done! For this particular event, January 23 is John Hancock’s birthday and National Handwriting Day ….. which warranted the idea for a “handwritten” blog post. Basically, write (literally on paper!) your blog post, take a picture, then publish on your blog. Easy-peasy. Join us – there is plenty of time. 🙂

  7. Don’t have a blog so I just posted it on facebook cause I wanted to do it (:

  8. Hi Nicole, thanks for the link-up. I hope I did it right 😉
    My (simple) post is at 100 cups of chai at
    Thanks again!

    • Tricia, thank you for participating in this link-up. I love your post and the words are so beautiful. I also believe you can tell a lot about a person by their handwriting. It’s your signature — make it count! Big hugs, 🙂

  9. SHOOT MORE PEOPLE–with a camera, of course. 🙂 Loved your letter, dear. What a brave thing to do!! I need to try writing a future letter to myself when I get down in the dumps. It must do a lot of good! Can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’re going to accomplish!

    • Hi Danie! I just found your blog via Andrea and I’m so glad she shared the info. I’ve subscribed to your site via GFC and email. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, especially on this very special link-up day. I don’t participate in many link-ups and this is just my second one to host, but I think they are fun and definitely worth meeting new bloggers. There is so much I want to do and improve in my life, and writing it all down seems so natural. Even though I make a ridiculous goal list every year (you can check out that post called 2013 Resolutions), I still like the idea of writing a letter to yourself and then reading it a year later. Oh the insight one receives! Anyway, I’m blabbering. It’s great to “meet” you and I can’t wait to catch up on your blog. Your heritage, your background, it’s all so interesting. Big hugs, we’re friends now!


  10. So Nicole I enjoyed your letter—-could you come to Madisonville Community College and tutor our students with their writing skills. Your handwriting is awesome. I am so sad that many people no longer handwrite anything. My favorite possession is my mother’s letters to Dad while he was in the Navy during WWII. I remember how much time and effort the nuns at Holy Name placed on Penmanship. We even got a letter grade for our efforts. Do you every do Calligraphy? Another passion of mine. Anyway, thank you again for sharing and I pray your trip goes well.

    • Oh Diane, your words are so incredibly sweet and appreciated. While I never met your father, I know your mother was a JEWEL and I miss her dearly. She always made me laugh …. the deep belly roll laughs! The next time I am home visiting, I’ll be sure to check your class schedule. I’d love to come to MCC and share with your students. I’ve visited with several high school classes here and it’s been a joy, especially the yearbook, journalism, and marketing classes. As I’m sure you know, my dad has EXCELLENT penmanship and that is the person (along with Neenie – Queenie) that I owe my own talent. I had very good influences for sure! Dad used to do calligraphy and taught me some basics, but I do not practice the skill as often as I should. I’m constantly receiving compliments from my own students and colleagues about my handwriting, and I remind them to sign their work with dignity …. that’s what my early elementary teachers always told me! You have made my day, I’m smiling so big right now. Thank you. 🙂


  11. Nicole, What an amazing , beautiful and honest post. I wanted to do this but I have been ignoring my blog lately and just didn’t think I could squeeze one more thing in. Mine would have paled in comparison, though. Have an amazing time on your trip!

    • Oh Julie, I highly doubt anything you would do would be sub-par. Who cares if it’s just a Post-It note ….. link-up with us anyway. Besides, I’m leaving the link-up open for a few days. You should totally join us. Big hugs to you, friend. Miss you! xo

  12. I love you Nicole! You are so beautiful and strong and brave. You’re handwriting isnt so bad either! 🙂

  13. Girl… you have beautiful handwriting. =)
    I love these…letters to yourself…. I’ve done a few in the past and they’ve always become very passionate.
    Good luck with the novel writing!! I have the same goals!!!

    • Thank you, Brooke. Your handwritten post is incredible and so unique, creative times a billion! I’m looking forward to the rest of the day and seeing everyone’s posts. Should be lots of fun. 🙂

  14. If anyone can follow this letter to yourself, Nicole it is you. You are a good writer and your insight is incredible. Wish I could express myself as well as you do.. You go girl!!! hugs

  15. 1. Your handwriting is so lovely. 🙂

    2. You are going to have SUCH an amazing time on your trip!

    3. No idea what you are referring to in #5, but if you ever need to chat, you know you can always email me. I probably won’t have the answer, but I’m a decent listener. =)

    4. Thanks for hosting this link-up, friend!

    Xoxo –L

    • You are an amazing friend, I don’t care what your cats think. 🙂 There’s a reason I have your email on “speed select” too. You are the best friend anybody could ask for — and I’m not just talking about your personal shopping experience! You’re much more than a “decent” listener, you’re a great one. I wish we lived closer … I can only imagine the enlightening conversations we’d have. Thank you for joining me in this link-up, who knew a handwritten post would be such a big deal. Big hugs, friend. xo

  16. Well done, friend.

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!