Three 31

ALL ABOUT ME (a prelude to the DFW Bloggers’ Spring Meet Up)


A while back, I began organizing the DFW Bloggers’ Spring Meet Up. Within hours of opening registration, the event was full. I’m excited to see everybody, including some I’ve not yet met. Before we gather for fun, bowling, and dinner, let’s break the ice with this All About Me, Myself & I link-up.

Copy and paste the questions below to a blog post, answer them
honestly, and publish by April 26. Add your post’s link
to the DFW Bloggers’ About Me Link-Up below.
Then, visit the other blogs and introduce yourself to the attendees!


THANKS Becky for creating the button
Carly for creating the link-up.

What is your name, blog name and URL?
Nicole from Three 31 (

When and why did you start blogging?
In 2009, during a cold, snowy week off from school, I began 27 & Counting. I had no idea what I was doing. In 2011, I relocated to WordPress and created Three 31. Husband and I were married on March 31, my blog’s title is our anniversary date.

How old were you in 1993?

What do you hope to get out of the DFW Bloggers community?
I want to create authentic connections with local bloggers and nurture friendships that are established. I would like to have a regular schedule for social events. I don’t care if it’s dinner and a movie, sushi making class, or sitting on a truck’s tailgate and drinking sweet tea, I want to socialize with y’all!

How much cash is in your wallet right now?

Tell us about the most controversial blog post you’ve published and why it caused such a stir. You gotta share the link too!
I wrote this about my boobs, then this happened.

Are you a professional bowler?
No, but I have fun and love the ridiculous shoes!!!!
don’t forget SOCKS to wear with your bowling shoes at the event

What is your shoe size?

How do you earn money?
I teach belly-dancing classes to senior citizens and sell moonshine.
Okay, fine. I teach 8th grade language arts.

What are you wearing at the moment?
Yoga pants, a University of Kentucky t-shirt, and socks that don’t match.

What’s your favorite beverage?
Sweet tea.

Do you have kids? If so, how many and how old are they?

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Yes, everybody needs at least one sarcastic, loud, inappropriate, big-boobed friend who laughs, talks dirty, and drinks sweet tea.

Name 3 goals you have for your blog in 2013.
By the end of 2013, I want to be featured on a popular blog, improve the content and writing of my posts and the quality of my photography.

What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I watch how a person treats another human being and listen to the words they say.

Can you change a flat tire?

If you could spend the day with a celebrity, who would it be and why?
Maya Angelou, so I could ask, “Why does the caged bird sing?”

Which social media site (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) do you use most?

What are you most looking forward to at the DFW Bloggers’ Spring Meet Up?
I’m looking forward to seeing everybody, plus eating, drinking and laughing with friends!

CLICK HERE to add your post’s URL to the link-up!

Don’t forget to visit other blogs and say hello to the other attendees. =)

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

9 thoughts on “ALL ABOUT ME (a prelude to the DFW Bloggers’ Spring Meet Up)

  1. Pingback: Resolution Update | April | Three 31

  2. this is so fun! thanks for doing this! and excited to meet you!

  3. Pingback: ALL ABOUT ME – DFW Blogger Spring Meet-Up Questionnaire | A Dash of Sarah

  4. Hooray! I’m so excited and glad you guys are organizing this!

  5. Pingback: Check out the bloggers at the DFW Bloggers Spring Meetup 2013 - Dallas Single Mom - A Dallas mom blog for single parents | Dallas Single Mom – A Dallas mom blog for single parents

  6. I got really confused when I read what you do to earn money…for half a second, I thought I was reading someone else’s answers! THEN, I laughed my arse off, so thanks for that. I needed it. It’s been a hard weekend.

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!