Three 31

Finish This… Week #4


FinishThis--SMALLWelcome to another week of FINISH THIS… , a link-up hosted by LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and I.  If you joined us last week, thank you for coming back! If this is your first time, welcome! Be sure you include your blog post in the link-up and invite others to join the fun too. Feel free to share, Pin, tweet, and post to Instagram in order to spread the word. Use the hashtag #finishthislinkup so others can see what you’ve posted.

Don’t have a blog? NO WORRIES! Just answer the prompts in a comment.

1. I use my “green thumb” to …
hail a cab? I have no green thumb related to growing live things, unless growing a baby in my belly for nine months counts. I did not inherit the strand of DNA responsible for keeping plants alive. That’s not to say I don’t work my ass off in my parent’s garden every summer, but having one of my own is out of the question. Three years ago, during a typical Texas summer, record-breaking heat wave no doubt, I got the bright idea to plant flowers and herbs in decorative pots. I got another bright idea: spent two weeks in Kentucky. Then I went to Oklahoma City for a mission trip with the church’s youth. A few weeks later, I went to Haiti on a 10-day mission trip. Did I leave instructions for Husband to water the plant life while I was gone? Of course not. By the time I returned home, what remained looked like it had been cremated. The following spring, Husband installed new landscape material: ROCK. Let’s hope I can keep these stones alive.

2. The secrets to life are…
accept your flaws (and those of everyone else). Nurture healthy, vibrant, and meaningful relationships. Enjoy a thorough sex life with someone who’s worth the time and energy. And always — ALWAYS!!!! — lick the batter bowl. I may have prepared a batch of chocolate chip cookies yesterday just to eat the dough.

3. I get my money’s worth by…
purchasing quality, even if it means spending a little more, and calculating price per unit on items (i.e. ‘bulk’ is not always cheapest). If you’ve been around my blog long enough, you know I thoroughly enjoy my Le Creuset cookware. I have every kind of material available: stainless, cast iron, and coated porcelain. The cookware is expensive, but it’s excellent quality and I use it every single day.

I’m not a math genius, and I know it’s dumb to get upset at trivial things such as this, but it infuriates me when grocery shoppers don’t pay attention to the unit price or choose ‘convenience’ items. For example, I buy the whole pork loin at Sam’s for about $28.00 then slice it myself into chops. I usually get between 28-40 boneless pork chops, depending on the thickness. I put 6-8 chops in plastic freezer bags, label each bag, and store in the big freezer in the garage. I do the same with boneless chicken breasts. I rarely, if ever, purchase retail beef because we raise our own steers.

Convenience items, to me, are the containers of food already washed and chopped or a whole chicken already butchered. If you spend any time in the kitchen, you should know how to quarter a chicken, slice a pineapple, and dice an onion. The same is true for fruit and vegetable trays. Buy the ingredients, wash and prep them yourself, then arrange on a nice platter … easy-peasy! Plus, you save a LOT of money by doing the (brief) work yourself. I would make one hell of a sous chef because I have mad knife skills and love slicing and dicing!

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, my level of organization is…
seven. My mom would disagree, and I admit my house has areas of clutter, especially the utility room, closets, and the dining room table is covered in mail, stationery, two sweatshirts, and Kamden’s car seat, but I know where 99% of my stuff is stashed and the other one percent is Husband’s crap!

5. A gentleman always…
stands by his woman (Tammy Wynette had it backwards), uses his manners, has a firm handshake, and proves chivalry is not dead. Here are more RULES for being a gentleman. I agree with all of them except the cursing one. If Rhett Butler doesn’t give a damn, then, frankly my dear, neither do I!!!!!!!

6. Handwritten notes are…
absolutely, positively, without a doubt, a must. There is no exception. I support the United States Postal Service by purchasing stamps a roll at a time and spend more at Hallmark than I care to admit. I love sending funny cards for no other reason than to make someone laugh. I’ve done a terrible job at it lately, but I also enjoy sending birthday, anniversary, and Christmas cards to friends and family. For Kamden’s baby shower gifts, I mailed more than 200 handwritten thank-you cards. Yes, they were handwritten on custom, personalized stationery too!

Now it’s your turn! Simply answer these six prompts in a post on your blog *OR* comment below. Join us next Wednesday for another round!!!!

Bloggers, add your post’s URL to the link up!
CHALLENGE: Visit three other blogs and comment on their “Finish This…” post.

Prompts for WEEK FIVE, February 5:

1. I will never outgrow
2. I splurge on
3. My worst habit is
4. My passport represents
5. My most ridiculous fear is
6. My favorite thing to give is

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

19 thoughts on “Finish This… Week #4

  1. Thank you for hosting this link up, I had a lot of fun reading your responses and creating my own Finish This for the first time. It is TRUE about bulk not always being cheapest and a lot of times I too find myself calculating what would be best.

  2. WOW! I would love to see you cutting up that whole pork loin! I DON’T have mad skills with a knife. But I DO have a magical green thumb. Loved the “Rules” pin and pinned it to my grandson’s Pinterest!

  3. I love Hallmark, so much. Once I go I like to stock up for a few months at a time – I haven’t been going nearly as much as I normally do. I need to get back into though, I think there is nothing more important then a good well thought, well said card in the mail!

  4. We sometimes make a batch of cookie dough just to keep in the fridge and eat periodically. It’s so good.

    I think our #4’s are almost word for word the same 🙂

  5. Pingback: Finish This — Week 4: Green Thumb, Organization and Gentlemen

  6. Oh, I love your get your money worth answer! People who buy out of convenience drive me crazy! I try my best not to! We buy chicken thighs all by themselves because we don’t eat too much white meat, but I do the same thing as you with my pork! AND: I see people buying things at Costco I KNOW I can get cheaper other places- why don’t people price compare? It makes no sense to me!
    Hallmark also loves me! My husband doesn’t love the relationship I have with them as much, but there is nothing like finding the perfect card to send to a friend!
    So glad to have found this link up! I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s thoughts!

    • Welcome, Elizabeth!!!! You and I would make great shopping buddies, especially at the Hallmark shop. Oh my gosh, I cannot get out of that place for less than a hundred bucks. It drives Husband CRAZYYY!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I totally agree with handwritten note they are a must and so much more personal.

  8. I am totally with you on saving money at the grocery store… I ALWAYS Look at the price per ounce and I know my grocery store prices vs costco prices to make sure I am making the best and cheapest decision!

    • Ruthie, you’re a shopper after my own heart. Yes, there are things I certainly ‘splurge’ on and disregard the price tag (GASP!) but I’m always price-checking, especially at the grocery and when shopping for clothes (which I hate, hate, hate!).

  9. loved the answers…people are going to know so much about us as we write our answers to these “beginning lines”…FUN too!

  10. I love this! You will see in post this week that I credit you for getting me hooked on handwritten notes. Each year I do the 52 letters in 52 weeks project! I may even link to the rules for a gentleman that you posted…stay tuned

  11. We write handwritten thank you notes for everything. I’m not great about sending birthday cards but you get be sure to get a thank you note for something you’ve done. 🙂

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!