Three 31

Finish This #6


Welcome to week #6 of FINISH THIS … are you ready for Valentine’s Day?


I’m glad you’re here. If this is your first time, welcome. If you’ve joined us before, thanks for coming back! This link-up is hosted by LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and I. Be sure you add your post to the link-up below. If you don’t have a blog, don’t fret. Answer the prompts in a comment. Next week’s prompts are provided at the bottom of this post too. Let’s get started!

1. I celebrate Valentine’s Day by…
remembering when Husband and I met face-to-face for the first time. It was February 14, 2003. Six months earlier, we met online in a Yahoo! chat room. Yes, long before online romance was a household phrase! I met a guy online (GASP!) and some of my friends and family were seriously afraid my photo would be printed on milk cartons. Rest easy, we did the chat thing (instant messaging and emails) from July 2002 until he called me on my birthday (December) and we heard the other’s voice for the first time. Online dating is not for everyone, but it worked for us. I think Divine Intervention was at play too. How else would a girl from Kentucky meet a guy from Texas?! Long-distance relationships are difficult and not for the faint of heart, but we were committed to making ‘US’ work and we succeeded. We became really great friends and excellent communicators and we don’t take each other too seriously. We don’t succumb to the commercialization of Valentine’s Day either. Husband doesn’t spend ridiculous amounts of money on chocolates I can’t eat or ridiculously expensive flowers that will die in a week. I give Husband a card, he reads it, says “That’s nice,” then shoves it in the bowels of his dresser drawer. He’s not the emotional type, but I have to give him props for keeping every card he’s received from me in our 11 years together. I’ve received one (ONE) card from him and it was not for Valentine’s Day, our wedding, or even an anniversary. It is, however, more precious than gold and I will cherish it forever. Amen.

2. My heart goes pitter-patter for
newborn babies and Basset Hound puppies. My heart melts.

kamden-bestillmyheartKamden Alan – 1 week old

puppyThose ears! Those feet! Those wrinkles!
{ source }

3. When looking for romance, my best advice is
be available, not desperate. Be sexy, not a hot mess. Be willing to take chances, don’t gamble your life savings. Be open to new experiences, don’t fall into bad habits. Expect the unexpected, you might be pleasantly surprised. Invest in yourself before committing to someone else. Be real. Be you.

4. My favorite love story (real or fiction) is
my love story is pretty fabulous. If that’s not cheesy enough for you, I enjoy novels and romantic comedies. I also believe there should be sequels to Pretty Woman, Gone With The Wind, and Dirty Dancing. Rhett Butler came back to Scarlett O’Hara. Johnny and Baby danced again. Edward and Vivian spent one more night in the penthouse.

5. The best relationship/love/dating advice I ever received
came from my great-grandmother Nannie who was talking to my two older male cousins when she said, “Never date someone you wouldn’t marry.” I was a young whipper-snapper at the time, about five or six, but her words have stayed with me. My cousins didn’t take her advice, they’ve both been married and divorced and remarried, but I took her words to heart and married the one and only guy I dated!

Now it’s your turn. Answer these prompts in your own blog post or comment below. Join us next Wednesday, February 12 for another round of Finish This where we’ll answer the following prompts:

Prompts for WEEK #7 (Feb 19)
1. I plan on buying
2. I give ____ five stars because
3. I felt courageous when

4. I feel about swimsuit shopping like I do

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

18 thoughts on “Finish This #6

  1. I love this whole post, but after that puppy picture, I can’t get this silly song out of my head.

    Do Your Ears Hang Low?
    Do They Wobble to and Fro?
    Can You Tie Them in a Knot?
    Can You Tie Them in a Bow?
    Can You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder Like a Continental Soldier?
    Do your Ears Hang Loooooooow?

  2. I absolutely love the advice given to you by your Great-Grandmother and couldn’t agree with it more! And baby basset hounds, oh cuteness!!

  3. “The best relationship/love/dating advice I ever received” was STOP DATING! Hahaha. (They just meant for a while, not forever. And they were so right.)

  4. Your story is not very different than mine, except the online part. Saw my husband walking past the group of girls I was standing with and heard a sound in my head that I interpret as “that’s the one”. He went on to college and I finished high school. 3 years later we married. 43 years later I’m still dealing with his controlled show of emotion and cherishing those uncontrolled moments.

  5. I absolutely loved you and your husband’s love story. Adorable and super inspirational! Long distance relationships are pretty hard sometimes, but when two people are committed, it works! (But you know that…haha).

    Your Nannie must have been one smart lady because that is great advice!

    • Thank you, Tasia! Husband and I are very blessed indeed. And my Nannie was a SUPERB lady, I miss her so much. As smitten as she was with me (her only great-granddaughter), she would have been head over heels in love with Husband and Kamden!!!!!!

  6. DIRTY DANCING! Is there a better love story than that? I could watch that movie every single day and never tire of it!
    GREAT love advice too! I think I followed that- I went on a ton of first dates that ended up being last dates because I just knew there was no potential for marriage, so why waste anyone’s time!

  7. Oh my goodness, the basset hound…I melt! We don’t do flowers or dinner out or chocolates either, its a pretty low key day but we do try and do something a little bit special.

    • Thanks Krista! As soon as Kamden is a bit older, we are getting a Basset Hound. I know, I’m crazy, but they are adorable and who doesn’t love those ears?! Besides, Kamden needs a four-legged buddy that’s close to his size and ground level. HAHAHA!!!

  8. Seriously cutest picture of Kamden and wow you and your husband sound like you have a great relationship and I don’t do flowers either.

    • Thank you, Emily. We are very blessed. Husband and I are best friends and our relationship comes easy because we don’t ever want it to become a chore, or like a job. I’m not saying we don’t have moments, but they are few and far between. THANK GOD!

  9. Beautiful sentiments, and a very beautiful baby! It sounds like your heart is full of love for your husband, your precious baby and for you. Well Done!

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!