Three 31

Finish This #35


IT’S WEEK 35 OF FINISH THIS … this can we all take a moment and thank the Good Lord fall is around the corner?! I’m so ready for cooler weather, long pants (so I don’t have to shave my legs), and college football. Amen.

You know the drill … co-hosts are LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31) and the instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog and add the post to the link up. Next week’s prompts are at the bottom of the page.


1. I celebrated Labor Day by
doing absolutely nothing. Well, let me rephrase that: I celebrated Labor Day by accomplishing zero tasks on my to-do list and enjoying every ounce of mommyhood and being a wife. I was up early to pump and thought Kamden would wake up for a bottle, but he didn’t so I went back to bed. I got up at 8:30, Husband was up at 9 and Kamden got up at 9:30. Husband fed Kamden while I pumped, and afterwards we all sat on the living room floor to play. At 11:30, we moved to our bed to continue play time – Kamden loves it when we’re together on the king-size bed and he has room to squirm around. He’s not crawling yet, but he’s close. Around noon, while reading Bible stories, Kamden drifted off to sleep and I enjoyed a snooze-session myself. The rest of Kamden’s day went something like this: he ate a little, played a little, peed and pooped a lot, and slept a little more. While Kamden took his afternoon nap, Mommy and Daddy had quality time together. (Heyyyyyyy.) By 6:00pm, our evening routine began and it didn’t matter if it was Labor Day or not. Dinner. Wheel of Fortune. (On Mondays, we watch Master Chef too!) Husband and Kamden build block towers on the floor mat while I’m in the kitchen cleaning and refilling bottles. More play time at the kitchen table or on the living room floor. Kamden gets a bath and lotion massage before his last bottle and bedtime. I pump while Husband takes a shower, then we go to bed. If anybody says our life is predictable, they’re correct.

2. My dream job/career, would be
A year ago, I might have said I wanted to be a judge or host on a cooking competition show; writer and/or photographer for a travel magazine; a tour guide in the Holy Land; missionary in Haiti; or a nanny/personal chef. Now, I’d add to this list an author; volunteer at non-profit; lactation consultant or mentor for breastfeeding women; PR/marketing/social media manager; or a donor/recipient liaison for human milk banks and hospital NICU departments. You know the luxurious retirement communities for senior citizens that have mini-buses? I could totally be one of those bus drivers and chauffeur a bunch of old, rich people around all day. Plus, I could take Kamden along. It’s a win-win for everybody.

When Vanna White retires from Wheel of Fortune, I want her job. But I’m bringing back the old manual letter boards so I can actually turn them around when a contestant calls a vowel or consonant. When someone correctly solves a puzzle, I’ll throw confetti on them too. Everybody likes confetti.

Dear Wheel of Fortune producers, if by some chance in a million-billion-trillion-gazillion you’re reading this blog post, please accept my application to be your official letter-turner. My salary requirements are much lower than your current clapper-lady and I’d much prefer flats to her high-heeled shoes. By hiring me, you’ll also save money on hair and makeup. Basically, I’m the best you’re ever gonna get. I can start tomorrow.

3. My first paying job was
babysitting two girls who went to my church in the summer of 1999. It was between my freshman and sophomore year of high school and before I got my driver’s license. I worked three or four days a week and walked a mile to their house. By the time I got my driver’s license, my babysitting duties were in high demand. I worked for five families with 16 kiddos, collectively. Now, all of these kids make me feel SUPER OLD because they are all grown up. The youngest set of triplets are now freshmen in high school and the older triplets are juniors in college …. cue the waterworks! The oldest kids I used to babysit are either in college or have graduated. I’m so old. I wish some of the older ones lived close to me though, because I would certainly have them babysit Kamden!!!! Besides the babysitting and nanny-ing gigs, I’ve been a golf course attendant, private golf instructor, church camp counselor, HR generalist, marketing and business development coordinator, middle school teacher, and youth director.

4. My current job is
stay-at-home mom to Kamden and Husband’s wife. I think I’m doing a pretty good job, most days. No, the house isn’t spotless and I don’t make our bed every morning, but Kamden’s the happiest, healthiest, most loved mini man-child in the history of ever and Husband’s well taken care of too. I’m a regular donor to the Mother’s Milk Bank of North Texas and very active at church. Once I became pregnant and after Kamden was born, improving my health and well-being became my ‘job’ too. I consider exercising 4-5 days a week a personal responsibility with far-reaching benefits to my family. One of these days, when Kamden starts school, I’ll return to the workforce and use my professional skills but I’m not rushing back to the 9-to-5 gig. Besides, Kamden is growing faster than I want to admit … slow down, kid!

Healthy Mama + Happy Baby + Content Husband = A Blessed Life
You might have a bigger house, newer car, and prettier clothes, but I’ve got all I need.

Invite your blogging friends and come back next Wednesday for another round of Finish This where we’ll answer another set of prompts!

Prompt for WEEK 36 — September 10
I am serious about
I am most relaxed when
There’s no place like

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

16 thoughts on “Finish This #35

  1. I seriously cracked up about Wheel of Fortune.. I totally agree, bring back the manual letter turner! haha!

    • YES!!!!!! When I become the next Vanna White, the board will be manual and you can come help me turn letters. It’ll be awesome. HAHAHAHAHAHA

      On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  2. Cooking show host – that’s a good one! Especially if it were cupcake wars, or some other sweets show…

    And so true: Healthy Mama + Happy Baby + Content Husband = A Blessed Life
    You might have a bigger house, newer car, and prettier clothes, but I’ve got all I need.

    Love that!

    The Joni Journey

  3. aren’t you the sweetest…and evidently very happy…that’s a great job!

  4. I think as long as you are loving your family and yourself, and doing the best you can. Well then you are a success. Also, I agree Vanna Whites job would be AWESOME.

    • Very true, Holly, very true. When (no if) I’m hired to replace Vanna, I’ll allow other people – including you – to come and be guest letter-turners. It’ll be fun. Very little on-the-job training required too. You’ll be a pro in no time. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

      On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Three 31 wrote:


  5. On behalf of the producers from Wheel of Fortune…

    You’re hired!

  6. Girl, I bet you’d rock it on wheel of fortune!

  7. LOL You always make me chuckle & smile! Your labor day sounds fantabulous!

  8. You’re the best and one of my favorite friends. You absolutely humble me, always.

    • Awwww shucks, you’re too sweet. I love to chunks … because chunks are bigger than pieces. 🙂 *If you were a guy, I’d think you were trying to get in my pants. #justsaying *

      On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Three 31 wrote:


Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!