Three 31

Finish This #36


IT’S WEEK 36 OF FINISH THIS … if this is your first time here, welcome! If you’re a repeat customer, thanks for playing along again. Your co-hosts are LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31) and the instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog and add the post to the link up. Next week, we’ll do it all over again with a new set of prompts (located at the bottom of this post). Let’s get started!


CHALLENGE FOR YOU … visit at least three (3) blogs and comment on their “Finish This” post. Even if you don’t know the person, introduce yourself and leave a genuine comment. If you know a blogger who would like to participate in this link up, invite them to join us. Blogging is about building communities!

1. I am serious about
cleaning our house and maintaining a more well-kept living space. I absolutely LOATHE cleaning, and I’d rather ignore the clutter and procrastinate my to-do lists than dust or vacuum, but I’ve challenged myself to complete a cleaning schedule for one week. The schedule pictured below is currently taped to the front of the refrigerator. Since Sunday, I’ve cleaned and organized the fridge, gone to the grocery, and thoroughly cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. I used to keep lots of stuff on the kitchen counter, like big containers of utensils, two knife blocks that I hate and never used, jars of sugar and flour, and all of Kamden’s bottles, two drying racks, and a sterilizer I never use. Notice a trend? I organized a drawer beside the stove for the majority of my cooking utensils, put the flour and sugar in the pantry, and the rest is either going to be sold on Craigslist or donated to the thrift store. Our kitchen is very large and there is tons of cabinet and work space, and clearing the countertops makes it look more efficient, organized, and clutter-free. Today, I’m working on bedrooms and I know I’ll have more stuff (a.k.a useless crap) to add to the thrift store pile. My goal is to repeat the schedule below, or something similar, every week in order to maintain my sanity and keep the clutter chaos to a minimum. I have several “big projects” that I want to complete before the end of the year too, specifically clearing out closet space and getting rid of things (clothes, household items, seasonal décor, etc.) that we no longer use. As Kamden gets older and becomes more mobile, it’s going to be even more important that I keep things picked up. I’m not applying for a white glove test, don’t misunderstand, but I need to make domestic chores a higher priority. Even 15-30 minutes a day will make a huge difference. (I hope I don’t sound like I should be on the show Hoarders, my house isn’t THAT bad.)


While on my hands and knees scrubbing grout lines and tile in our master bathroom shower, I tried to think of ways to keep the area cleaner, especially the glass door. I found a bottle of Rain-X windshield spray in the garage and thought, “What the heck?!” Needless to say, our shower’s glass hasn’t been this clear or streak-free since the day it was installed … in 2011. (What!) Hopefully it will repel water and keep the area clean(er) longer. Anything’s worth a shot, right?!


2. I am most relaxed when
Husband and Kamden are happy.

And when I’m doing the relaxation pose in yoga. It’s my favorite. I hate to think what I look like while doing it, but this might be a pretty close, pretty accurate depiction:


3. There’s no place like
home, where the pants are stretchy and the Wi-Fi connects automatically. 🙂

Invite your blogging friends and come back next Wednesday for another round of Finish This where we’ll answer another set of prompts!

Prompt for WEEK 37 — September 17
I’m the type of person who
My favorite joke or riddle is
All that really matters is

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

24 thoughts on “Finish This #36

  1. Bahaha. “Where the pants are stretchy and the wifi connects automatically” classic. But really though…that’s why everyone loves home…

    • It’s so true, isn’t it?! And there is nothing – NOTHING – better than coming home to your own bed, your own pillows, your own blankets, and singing “ahhhhhh.” I love to go-go-go, but I love coming home.

      P.S. Because of our email conversations this week, I thoroughly cleaned my breast pump attachments because they were gross. And I was embarrassed. It’s the little things … and peer pressure. 🙂

      On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 6:48 AM, Three 31 wrote:


    • Yeah, it’s pretty fantastic. Husband and I didn’t have a clue how much we chewed off when we stared that remodeling project, but the end result was sooooo worth the effort. The project that was supposed to last a weekend or two lasted more than four months … Eeek!!!!!

      On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  2. I am dying to know if the Rain X works…brilliant idea! And yes, stretchy pants and WIFI are key ingredients to my favorite places too! I admire your cleaning schedule. and I would like to tell you I aspire to one of my own…but I am happy if the clutter stays behind a cupboard or a closet door and my kitchen is clean. I do obsess about my pantry and refrigerator!

    • Lisa, rest easy, I am NOT normally this organized with my domestic duties. But the clutter was becoming overwhelming and, quite honestly, if someone had knocked on the door for a surprise visit, I would be mortified!!!!!!

      On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  3. Gosh i wish i was as structured as you are about your cleaning !!! I am the worst and only clean when visitors are coming ha

    • Oh Michelle, do NOT be fooled. I put the PRO in PROCRASTINATION and am the master at cleaning like a mad woman when company is supposed to arrive in an hour. Yeah, that’s ridiculous and impossible with an 8.5 month old. I need more structure and order in my life. Hence the need for a schedule. Sighhhhh.

      On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  4. working on my office/computer room as we blog…Husband doing some heavy work…taking up carpet…shelves for closet…and I’m sitting here waiting for the decor part!…ha, ha!

  5. Pingback: Finish This Linky (the universe clearly wants me to write this...) - My Sweet Peanut

  6. I get on purging kicks too. In fact, I have been in one this whole year. We were hoping to get a yard sale before warm weather goes away, but think we may need to store the things and try next Spring/Summer. I’d rather get a bit of money out of it all and donate the rest. Love the idea with the rainx on the shower door. You’ll have to let us know if it works!

    • More power to you on the garage sale thing. I’ve never been a fan of them mainly because I never went to many and I’ve always lived in the country, far off any major road, so it’s nearly impossible to have one where I live. Plus, it’s too much of a pain in the a$$ for what little money you earn. And I don’t think I have anything anybody else is willing to pay for. HA!!!!!

      You know, I’ve walked in our master bathroom at least 290829394 times today and not once have I looked at the shower glass to see if the water repelled during our showers last night. I’m a zombie today, need sleep!!!!!

      On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  7. I am 100% with you on #1. I have a cleaning chart and a little cleaning and organizing everyday goes a long way! I feel so happy and content when my house is neat!!

  8. I love your cleaning schedule. I have been trying so hard to find one that’s realistic so that I can stick to it! Glad to know I’m not the only one trying to find a good schedule.

    • Oh gosh, Elizabeth, this is new territory for me as I’m usually a LAZY BUM until company is supposed to arrive in three hours and I’m running around like a crazy person cleaning, vacuuming, wiping down counters, putting away laundry, and such. I believe that if I can ‘deep clean’ the entire house this week, following a schedule will be much easier for maintaining a presentable living space. I mean, we live in our house, make no mistake. Husband tracks in dirt and hay from the barn, there is a dust bunny family taking up residence in the corner of the living room, Kamden’s toys are now “home decor” items in the living room, and there is always laundry to be done. But hey, it could be worse, right?!?!?!

      On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Three 31 wrote:


  9. That is what I love most to…home. And the idea of stretchy pants and WIFI is complete. Thanks for hosting. Love this type of exercise. It helps to purge my mind.

  10. Totally laughed out loud on your answer to the last question. I totally agree!

  11. Way to go with the purge & organizing! I have stuff…….way too much stuff. But I want it all. LOL! And I your description of home….stretchy pants & WIFI. Awesomeness! xo

    • HAHAHA …. yes, sometimes I feel like taking the biggest box or bag I can find into every room and PURGING so much stuff. It’s ridiculous how much two people accumulate, not to mention all the STUFF a baby has. I’m on Facebook and reading blogs right now, procrastinating going into our bedroom to begin. If I go in there, I’m afraid I might not come out. HA!!!!!

      On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Three 31 wrote:


Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!