Three 31

10 Things


I need this rooster print like I need air to breathe.
As a former educator in middle school, I know too well the financial strain on teachers pressured to spend their own money on classroom and teaching supplies.

Mistakes to avoid in your 30s.

A beautiful post on marriage.

Ohhh, I can so relate to being tired!

25 unique ways to ask your kids without asking the treaded “How Was School Today?”

Do you think parents in the 70s and 80s had it better than modern parents today?

Life’s too short for crappy friends.

Parenting classes that SHOULD exist.

Inspiration for our family photo session.

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

5 thoughts on “10 Things

  1. Nicole — I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a guest post on my blog about milk donation. I donated when I pumped for the twins and the twins received donor milk in the NICU so I am really passionate about breast milk donation and would love for you to share your experiences on my blog! Let me know if you are interested.

  2. I loved the word “need” also…
    I could paint it for you if you ever get back to KY…It would resemble it pretty well …I do these kind of things for my Daughter-in-law…

  3. The very NEED for that rooster is why you haven’t been called for your audition on Wheel of Fortune yet. (he, he)

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!