Three 31

Finish This #38


IT’S WEEK 38 OF FINISH THIS … if this is your first time here, welcome! If you’re a repeat customer, thanks for playing along again. Your co-hosts are LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31) and the instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog and add the post to the link up. Next week, we’ll do it all over again with a new set of prompts (located at the bottom of this post). Let’s get started!


CHALLENGE FOR YOU … visit at least three (3) blogs and comment on their “Finish This” post. Even if you don’t know the person, introduce yourself and leave a genuine comment. If you know a blogger who would like to participate in this link up, invite them to join us. Blogging is about building communities!

1. My relationships thrive because
I give 110% of myself. I wear my heart of my sleeve. I see the best in humanity. I’m an optimist. I give second chances over and over. However, I have my limits too. When I’m done, I’m done.

2. My favorite piece of advice
is “never date someone you wouldn’t marry.” It’s quite simple and straightforward, much like the woman who said it: my great-grandmother, Nannie Edwards. Set your standards high, never compromise on the big “Tee” truths, and follow your heart. I followed mine from small-town Kentucky to Fort Worth, Texas. Whodathunkit?! Actually, when I was in the sixth grade, I wrote an essay about my dreams and future plans. At the tender age of 12, I wrote about living in Texas, marrying a cowboy, owning horses, and being a mother. If someone tells you dreams don’t come true, ignore them.

3. My worst habit
is picking my feet. I hate my feet. They’re dry and callused and gross and disgusting but I will sit on the couch and pick the dead skin off or trim my toenails. I’m grossed just reading my response. YUCK!

Invite your blogging friends and come back next Wednesday for another round of Finish This where we’ll answer another set of prompts!

Prompt for WEEK 39 — October 1
I am most comfortable
Diamonds are
I wish I could be more

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

13 thoughts on “Finish This #38

  1. Ewww….your feet. On the other hand I can’t stop laughing – thanks for keeping it so real. And TRUE about dating/marriage. Do you like the person, can you be friends?

    Your friends are lucky, I believe you to be genuine about being close to them and them receiving the best of you. Blessed folks…

  2. ha!! The foot picking!! I never used to be a foot picker but pregnancy turned my feet gross and now I do it too!

    • ughhh I’ve had terrible feet most of my life, they’re terribly callused from my days of excessive walking on the golf course too. I’m paying for it now.

      On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  3. Let’s go get pedicures before dinner!

    • Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing. Speaking of dinner, what does the Zachry clan want for dinner this Sunday evening? Our table will be a little crowded since Mom and Aunt Kathy are visiting, but the more the merrier. And Kamden sits in his big high-chair at the head of the table like he’s all that and a bag of chips. As if ……..

      On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Three 31 wrote:


  4. I think you may be related to my daughter…she is a foot picker…it’s the weirdest thing. I’ve never known a foot picker and now I know TWO!
    I do enjoy a good love story – yours is precious – perfect example in believing in your dreams. Yay you!

  5. I love that your dreams came true. That’s so sweet!

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!