Three 31

“stow your twitchy palms” – My Weekend with Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele


Well, I did it.

Over the weekend, I read the entire Grey series by E.L. James: Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades of Darker, and Fifty Shades Freed. I admit, it was H-O-T stuff. Once I got over the initial shock, it was impossible to stop reading. I finished Fifty Shades late Friday evening then purchased the other two minutes later. My nose has been glued to the Kindle.

Husband got home from work Friday and his supper was ready …. among other things. Every time I’d giggle, he’d look at me with a very strange expression. IF HE ONLY KNEW! Finally, I let him in on what I was reading. I got the usual eye-roll and he continued watching the tee-vee.

Every couple of hours, Husband checked my vitals because, you know, I’m not usually quiet for extended periods of time. (He was genuinely concerned. Yeah, he was generally concerned for my safety …. ahem.) He’d ask, “Are you okay?” And I’d nod and smile. Oh yes, I’m juuuuuust fine!

I’ve been contemplating what exactly I would share in this blog post. After I posted this, I received interesting messages and phone calls.

This weekend, I have:

  • Blushed 50 shades of crimson
  • Detached the Kindle from my hands only for brief periods of time to attend a ladies night event (alcohol was involved, as were comments about Grey!) and church (oh my!)
  • Giggled like a schoolgirl.
  • Eyed my husband.
  • Shaved my legs.
  • Lost 3 pounds (eating has not been a priority this weekend!)
  • Ignored my to-do list. Completely.
  • Charged my Kindle.
  • Laughed, gasped, and provided other dramatic expressions.
  • Found the gray silk tie Husband wore on our wedding day.

Now, I would love nothing more than if all of you read the GREY TRILOGY and then we can all meet for dinner and drinks to discuss. I think it’s the hottest, sexiest, most provocative, scandalous page-turner I’ve ever read. After all, I have spent the past 60 hours giggling and listening to my inner goddess hoot and holler.

If you need more convincing, read this. Michelle is a fan, as am I. Another blogger offered a review but was disappointed in the poor editing (i.e. grammar, dialogue, over-use of exclamation points, etc). However, she said it made her “girly parts” happy. SCORE!

While I agree the dialogue was repetitive, and the use of exclamation points (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was ridiculous, my attention was NOT on punctuation, grammar, or writing quality. I was more interested in twitchy palms.

I’m blushing again.

Listen to your inner goddess and read these books!

I promise you this: when you get to the end of book one, you will not be able to stop your Inner Goddess from purchasing the next two. I’m blaming the additional costs at on her. Besides, Husband didn’t complain about the extra $20 charge on his credit card in the wee hours of Saturday morning.

Now, I must devote some time and energy to the To-Do List taped to the fridge. It includes going to the dentist (check!), vacuum all the dust bunnies that are living in our home (among other gross crumbs under the kitchen cabinets) and empty the dishwasher that’s been clean since Thursday. I’ve been distracted. REALLY distracted, Y’all!!!!!!

Laters, baby!

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

22 thoughts on ““stow your twitchy palms” – My Weekend with Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele

  1. Based on your blog’s automatic recommendations I came back to this post and read it after I commented on your defense of Christian Grey post. I disliked some of the grammatical issues etc as well, some of her dialogue was less than stellar… but you know what mine isn’t perfect either! She is also a great story teller and after all that’s why we’re reading these books, not because she is a literary genius, but because she spins a great story! Also, I can’t remember if it was the 2nd or 3rd book but all the email dialogue between C and A, it cracked me up! I think she did a great job bringing the characters out when it was written dialogue rather than spoken, I can’t write spoken dialogue to save my life – so tricky so she get’s major props from me for finding a way to work around that!
    Out of curiosity, did you read the Twilight series? When I very first read 50 Shades of Grey I kept getting Christian and Ana mixed up in my mind with Edward and Bella which I thought was so strange since I hadn’t read Twilight in a while. It wasn’t until months later that I learned that EL James had originally started writing the 50 Shades series as a piece of fan fiction from Twilight.
    Okay, I’m finished stalking your blog for a while. I’m only half way through my re-read of 50 Shades and I’m less than 24 hours out from seeing the movie so I’ve got to get crackin’ on that 😉

    • No, I have not read Twilight and I’ve only seen bits and pieces of the movies. I honestly do not recognize any similarities, in the limited portions I’ve seen. Werewolves and vampires don’t scream orgasms and gray silk ties to me, but hey, whatever makes your skirt fly up! I love that you’re stalking my blog and reading my shenanigans on Fifty Shades. If Christian was real, we’d totally be pals. Not in a weird way, because I’m cool. And I like to eat. And ride in airplanes and helicopters. If you’re saying that this is just your first re-read of FSOG, I’m sorry. I’ve read the trilogy no less than 20 times – I’m not even kidding. Once your girly parts have stopped doing the happy dance for a while, I’m going to ask, beg, plead, and DEMAND that you read The Crossfire Series by Sylvia Gray. OH. MY. HOT. STUFF. Gideon Cross is my favorite. I like Christian Gray, but Gideon is all that and a bag of chips. A big bag of chips. The man is incredible. Seriously, I could go on but I have to go to bed. And you have to finish reading your “assignment” before “class” tomorrow night. Take notes, we’ll compare them later!!!!!!!!!! Laters, baby. 🙂

      P.S. The email conversations were awesome. Honestly, it made the characters more realistic. I thought it was an incredibly GENIUS idea to include emails, texts, etc. of two people in a relationship like James did. Kudos to her.

      On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 11:35 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  2. i couldn’t keep my mouth closed while reading the book! it’s …. so wow!!

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  5. I actually read the series about a year ago, and now i have re read them! I had to put my ipad down a couple of times because i was either grinning too hard, or blushing like an idiot. I love the series!

    • Sreesha, I understand the grinning and blushing. I don’t know how many times I’ve read these books, or others like them, and I always grin and blush like a smittened kitten. Every. Single. Time. It’s ridiculous, but I don’t care!!!! Oh, and the first time I read the 50 Shades trilogy, I really “really” did have to re-boot my Kindle. I was turning the pages so fast, it froze!!!!!!! Ahhh, Christian Grey. (sigh)


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  10. What a fantastic title to your blog post! I can totally believe that you read all 3 in one weekend. I feel like I was blushing the entire time I was reading the series too.

    • Thanks, Alison!! Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment. As for the Grey matter, I’m a fan. I’m considering a re-read but this time, do it much – MUCH – more slowly. Think that’s possible? Me either! But it’s oh-so-gooooood!!!!!!!!!


      • I’ve been thinking about a reread as well!

        • Alison,

          I did it.

          Last week, I finished reading another book on my Kindle and before I knew it, an hour had past and I was nose-deep (again!) in “50 Shades of Grey.” In fact, I finished book one a day later and began reading book two. I’m halfway through book two now and I suspect that I will finish and begin book three before the weekend is over. I have to say, the re-read is definitely WORTH it. I’m catching little pieces that I missed the first time around. Plus, since I know how it ends, I’m enjoying the actual love story and how it progresses much more. I definitely recommend reading these books again.

          Hope you are well and have a fabulous weekend too!!!


          • We are in the same boat! I CANNOT wait until Feb. 13 🙂 I agree the dialog repeated itself, grey eyes burn to blue…but what a trilogy! Hope the movie is as good as the book were.

          • Oh my sweet friend and Grey fan, I’m afraid the movie is going to be VERY disappointing. That doesn’t mean I won’t go watch it, but unless my seat vibrates and the movie is Rated “X” I’ll always love the books more. If you’re a fan of Grey, have you read Sylvia Day’s CROSSFIRE series? Holy smokes, Batman, that is HOT HOT HOT. I love me some Gideon Cross. 😀

            On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 1:56 PM, Three 31 wrote:


  11. I may have to invest before summer. Oh dang!

  12. hahaha! I’m glad you had such a great weekend 😉

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!