Three 31

Cream of the Crop | my blog’s top posts


Does it surprise you that the second-most-viewed post involves Christian Grey, a gray tie, and twitching palms?

I didn’t think so.

Without further ado, here’s the cream of the crop at Three 31:

| Ornament Wreath|

| Laters, Baby |

| the good ol’ days|

| my mom is fly|

| my dad is rad|

There you have it.

Five of my popular posts just for your viewing pleasure.

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

2 thoughts on “Cream of the Crop | my blog’s top posts

  1. I always love seeing bloggers top posts compiled into one…..can’t wait to read them all. As far as Christian Grey….there are just no words to describe. I am a little over half way through the third one. IOf I wouldn’t have had to work today, I would have stayed up all night! When that movie finally comes out that would be a great idea for TEXAS BLOGGERS night out don’t you think?????

    Anyway, I love your blog and have nominated you for a blog award. Congratulations and please stop by and check out the post!

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!