Three 31

Sunday Social | TRAVELING here, there, and everywhere


Yes, the title is Sunday and today is Saturday. Sue me. It’s been a CRAZYYYYYY week:

  • Monday afternoon, Husband and I went to the indoor gun range and I shot several good groups with my new Ruger Mark III. Three groups were really good, then had a couple of others that were pitiful. Just my luck.
  • Monday through Thursday evening, my church provided a Vacation Bible School program to a group of kids at a community center near downtown Fort Worth. Most of the time I walked around with a raccoon puppet on my hand entertaining children and adults with my Pollyanna-ness. Other times, I was taking pictures, singing and dancing to “Call Me Maybe” (totally NOT a part of the VBS program, but 4-year-old girls are crazy like that), and keeping us on schedule. It’s a blessing-filled ministry, and I’m glad to be a part of it.
  • Tuesday morning I had a job interview for a position that’s incredibly entry-level and WAY below my education, experience, and skill level. I don’t believe in saying ‘no’ to an interview opportunity. Besides, my curiosity led me to other positions that are “up to par,” per se.
  • Since Wednesday, I’ve been working on a project that’s coming to fruition this Sunday. It’s exciting and nerve-wrecking and GOOD all rolled into one. I spent all day Thursday reading a book, completing a chapter analysis for all 11 chapters, and incorporating that information into a presentation. Did the same Friday morning.
  • When Husband got home Friday evening, I was ready for a quiet, relaxing night on the couch in my pajamas. Before I could even dip supper onto my plate, his cell phone rang and we were meeting a guy for a Craigslist deal a half-hour later. Got home, ate dinner, made potato salad for a function tonight (Saturday), and at 9:30 his phone rang again. Next thing I know, we were in his truck headed towards the Fort Worth Stockyards to buy a flat-bed trailer. If I been dressed properly, we could have stopped at Billy Bob’s for the Aaron Watson concert … pajamas are not cowboy-approved. Duh.
  • Saturday (today) involved a trip to the gun range and the feed store. Tonight, dinner with friends. Tomorrow, I’ll be at church most of the day.

All of that to say this …… if I didn’t publish this post now, I would forget tomorrow.

I’ll link to Neely and Ashley as soon as possible. In the meantime, join the fun!!!!!!

Sunday Social

What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on?

These questions are really hard for a person who’s indecisive. I remember as a little girl my first time to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and the first time I swam in the ocean near
St. Petersburg. I loved our recent trip to Washington, D.C. Heck, going HOME to Kentucky ranks high on my places to visit. My best trip ~ though the most demanding physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ~was Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I knew before arriving
it would be difficult, but it was an experience I’ll never forget. And, I’m returning in October!

What is your idea of a girls’ weekend trip?

I wanna talk about sex and encourage other women to acknowledge and embrace their Inner Goddess. Laters, baby.

Wait, did I just say that in my out loud voice?


I’d apologize, but it would be a lie.

I mean …… I wanna apply a gross looking exfoliating mask to my face, sip mimosas and talk about the weather while my toes are painted a lovely shade of neon fuchsia. Yeah. Right.

What is your idea of a couples’ trip?

Husband is NOT a traveler. We’ve been together 10 years, married five, and we’ve yet to go on an official honeymoon. His idea of a couples’ trip is me tagging-along to an implement auction in who-knows-where or going to a roping or to the gun range. My idea of a couples’ trip includes historic landmarks of the “13 colonies,” skiing in Colorado, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and Alaska. We did NOT marry because of our mutual love of traveling. Obviously.

What’s the best “on the cheap” vacation?

I have “on the cheap” vacations all the time … it’s called STAY AT HOME. I go to Kentucky as often as possible, that’s inexpensive if you exclude the gas to drive or plane ticket. Several years ago, I went to Mexico (without Husband, of course) with friends on a super-cheap travel plan. We paid pennies for a kick-a$$ resort suite with two bedrooms, a living area, and kitchen. Four hours at a time-share promotion got us snorkeling in Cozumel (that was pretty sweet) and a day-long trip to Chichén Itzá on the Yucatan Peninsula.

Which place do you most want to visit?

This is impossible to answer. How can I choose just one?! Holy Land, Alaska, Great Barrier Reef, Rome, New York City … just to name a few.

What are your vacation and travel necessities?

Camera supplies (Nikon camera, memory cards, extra battery and charge-cord), good shoes, local map, and prior research of the area (landmarks, tourist attractions, local eateries, etc.)

Check out my travel necessities for Washington, D.C. —–> here

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

11 thoughts on “Sunday Social | TRAVELING here, there, and everywhere

  1. Hahaha that is hilarious with the 50 Shades reference!

    My husband isn’t much of a traveler either, and I traveled a lot with my family growing up. So the fact that HE proactively booked our next trip to Vegas is a BIG deal!

  2. I would absolutely love going to Haiti. My parent’s church visits there at least once a year because they partner with an orphanage there. I hope someday I get to tag along!

  3. You and I both have Alaska in common! I have wanted to visit Alaska for yearsss! We’ll make it one day 🙂

    Happy Sunday!

  4. Hay there! I’ve nominated and awarded you with the blog award “Versatile Blogger” award! Go here to get it and read the post!

    • Hey Tif, thanks so much! You’re awesome (but you already knew that) and I appreciate the recognition and shout-out. I left a comment on your blog post too.

      BIG hug,

  5. Um, don’t you want to visit VIRGINIA BEACH? =) Yes. Yes, you do. =) (Although, maybe wait until after the shingles have left town.)

  6. Dude! Let’s travel! My husband LOVES to but never has time off and is usually sick 😦

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!