Three 31

Finish This #12


It’s Week 12 of Finish This! If you’re new here, welcome. This link-up is hosted by LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and I.  If you’ve joined us before, thanks for returning and be sure you add your post to the link-up. If you don’t have a blog, don’t fret. Answer the prompts in a comment. Next week’s prompts are provided at the bottom of this post.


1. I know it’s a little weird but
I eat the four corners of sliced (square) bread first then, moving counter-clockwise, take small, evenly-sized bites. The counter-clockwise rule also applies to circular buns. In regards to the kind of bread at Subway or Which Wich. where the sandwich is cut in half, I start at the cut edge and move right to left. Could eating a darn sandwich be any more complicated?!

2. When stopped at a stoplight, I
hope to be in the front so I can look side to side at my competition and beat them off the line. I would make one helluva drag car racer. Except there are red light runners something fierce in this area and even though I’m usually quick to accelerate, I always – ALWAYS – look at cross traffic and make sure everyone is stopped. That’s some scary stuff. For the record, I’m not a speedster, I drive a four-cylinder, rice burning Toyota Camry after all, but I definitely drive at or slightly above the speed limit. I have a rap sheet (and video evidence) in Union City, Tennessee though.

3. My guilty pleasure is
chocolate icing. Just give me a spoon and leave the premises. Unfortunately, what you eat in private you wear in public. Yeah, that sucks.

4. My favorite way to unwind
is our nightly routine with Kamden, involving a bath, body massage, and feeding. When he’s in the tub, kicking and splashing water everywhere, he gives me one of his signature crooked smiles and his eyes are bright and my heart instantly melts. As quickly as he’s energized in the tub, he gets real still signaling he’s ready to get out. After drying him off, I massage his entire body with lotion, dress him, then feed him before putting him down for the night.

Now it’s your turn. Answer these prompts in a post on your own blog or, if you do not have a blog, simply add your responses in a comment. Join us next Wednesday for another round of Finish This where we’ll answer the prompts below!

Prompts for WEEK #13 (April 2) are:
I don’t get enough
My favorite indulgence
I made a major change in my life when
You should read
____ is my secret ingredient in

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

16 thoughts on “Finish This #12

  1. I stare straight ahead at lights and try to be the first to fo first too!

  2. girl your eating….oh man…I can’t even imagine. But I know we ALL have strange way of doing things 😉

  3. OH how I used to love the nighttime bath ritual with my kids. Afterwards they are all snuggly and cozy and just lie limply in your arms as they finish that last feeding and your night is done.

    • Wendy, it’s amazing and gets better every night. Kamden used to fuss for a while after we put him down, fighting to go to sleep, but now, after his bath, massage, and bottle, he goes right to sleep. It’s fantastic and adorable and precious and the highlight of my days. Once he’s down, my night isn’t ‘done’ just yet as I always pump before showering and going to bed. But almost!!!!!

  4. I have a granddaughter who loves icing right out of the can. She eats them with soda crackers. Yuck. I am often finding spoon marks in the icing. If she leaves any icing in the can that is

    Paula at /Smidgen,Snippets,&Bits

    • Soda crackers? Now that’s a new one! But hey, whatever floats her boat. I hope my Husband doesn’t read this post because then he’ll know why there’s always one random, lonely can of chocolate icing in the pantry. GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Toyota Camry! 😀 My first car was a 93 Camry and now I drive an 03 Camry… not a speed demon, but it gets me where I want to go 😉
    When you have a plate with several different food items on it, do you take turns eating each item or eat all of one thing and then move on to the next? 🙂

    • My first car, in 2001, was a 1989 Volvo. It saved my life the day before high school graduation when I rolled it three times to avoid hitting a herd of deer. Stupid for me trying to save Bambi, but thank God I lived to tell about it. My next car was another Volvo, they are extremely safe and well-built vehicles. I love my Camry, I really do, but more space for Kamden and his gear would be nice. I’m just too cheap to get something else since my car is paid for! HA

      I used to be the child that nothing – NOTHING – could touch on her plate and I ate one food at a time. I’m getting better though. I don’t like my food to touch but I’ll eat a few things together, as long as I have something to drink. For example, if I’m eating chicken, potatoes, and corn, I will take a bite of chicken and a vegetable, take a drink, then a bite of the other vegetable. I’m really a complicated eater, MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I loved reading these! #2 is so me too!

  7. The first two comments…had me saying, “What kind of girl have I been following!”…ha, ha!…

  8. Oh girl have you ever made the frosting recipe from Our Best Bites. Just add some chocolate and wow I could eat that by the spoonful too!

    • Will try that …. though the chocolate frosting from Duncan Hines (no milk in it either) is my weakness. There may nor may not be a canister of it in my pantry right now. With a spoon mark. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!