Three 31


Sunday Social | goodbye to summer (FINALLY!!!!!)

This weekend has been SUPERFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS for one very important reason: FOOTBALL. That’s right, it’s time to let the pigskin fly. I asked Husband if we could crank down the A/C to just below freezing so I could wear my hoodie, but he said no.

Some highlights from the weekend so far:

  • The local high school football team (that, as far as I know, has never had won a winning record) won their season-opener Friday night
  • Allen I.S.D. (northeast of Dallas) began their season in the brand-new $60-million stadium and made the *NATIONAL* news
  • My beloved *COLLEGE* football season began this weekend. As an SEC fan, I loved watching Alabama beat Michigan at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. ROLLLLLL TIDE!!!!!!
  • I hope ESPN airs the Kentucky and Louisville (The Governor’s Cup) game later today. Regardless, I’m *PROUDLY* wearing my Kentucky shirt.

It’s time for another Sunday Social, a link-up hosted by Ashley and Neely. This week’s questions are all about saying goodbye (ADIOS!!!!!) to summertime. I couldn’t be more excited to see this time of year pack its bags and leave town. The longer I live in Texas, the more I dislike hot weather. But then again, global warming is causing icebergs near Antarctica to melt!!!!!

Sunday Social

What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer?

You can read all about my D.C. adventures here ….. here ….. here ….. here ….. and here.

I also went to Kentucky. I helped in the garden, made tomato juice, shot a high-powered sniper rifle exceptionally well, spent quality time with several important people, attended a family reunion, and reconnected with high school classmates at our 10-year reunion. I haven’t had a chance to download all of the pictures from this trip, but I promise to do that sooner, rather than later!

 Your favorite outfit look of the summer and/or clothing item is …

I will make this real simple for y’all: t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops. If I’m at home, I’m barefoot. I hate clothes, moving on to the next question.

What is one thing you wish you had gotten to do this summer?

I have no complaints about this summer. It’s been incredibly busy, yet I’ve had lots of time to relax and be lazy at home alone too. There are no items I wish I had done but there are lots of things I *SHOULD* have done: clean my car inside and out, de-clutter my closet, clear the utility room, and home decor projects.

Your favorite song of the summer is ….

No question about this, it’s “Pontoon” by Little Big Town. The tune, the lyrics, I love everything about it. MMMMMMMotor-boatin’!!!!!

PONTOON ~ Little Big Town (2012)

Your favorite movie of the summer is ….

I did not see any movie this summer that made me skirt fly up. I have a feeling that most of you are expecting me to say that movie with Matthew McHottness and Tatum Channing (or is it Channing Tatum? I still don’t know that guy’s name.). If you have not read my review, please click HERE.

Ok, serious question, what’s that movie’s title? I’ve done forgot it.

(thinking …… thinking ….. thinking)

Oh, Magic Mike.DUH!!!!!!!

Yeah, not so magical for me, but please, PUH-LEEZE read my review of *MAGIC MIKE*. I liked a scene or two and they all involved loud music and semi-nude men dancing and thrusting their hips provocatively. I could have saved myself nine-dollars by replaying YouTube video clips over and over ….. and over …… and over. History repeated itself here: the book is better. I read the 50 Shades Trilogy at least a dozen times this summer, now *THAT*  was magical.

Your favorite TV show of the summer is ….

I’m a fan of The Real Housewives of (Anywhere) and I will stay up wayyyyy past any human’s appropriate bedtime to catch re-runs of Chopped on the Food Network. I’ve seen them all, and still mesmerized by the dishes those chefs create on a whim and a prayer. Kumquats and pickled chicken’s feet, anyone? I said kumquats. I make myself laugh.

Happy Sunday!!!!!!


Sunday Social | the world of wonder (aka The Internet)

Today is Sunday, a day I look forward to and also my Sabbath day. It’s filled with church activities, spiritual reconnection, mental relaxation and usually an afternoon nap with Husband. It is also the day for Sunday Social, a link-up hosted by Ashley and Neely. These two ladies rock my socks and I’m grateful they continue to host this party each week. Stop by their blogs and say hello, and if you participate in the Sunday Social, be sure to link-up!

Sunday Social

What is the first website you visit each day?

This is a tie between three sites: Facebook, Gmail (my person email host), and my blog, Three 31. I always have these three websites open in separate tabs on my computer screen. Most of the time, the fourth tab is Pinterest.

What are some funny websites you visit that we need to know about?

I love this question because I love sharing blogs that, at least to me, are incredibly funny. The more inappropriate, the better, right?!

  1. Shauna Glenn
  2. The Bloggess
  3. All Fooked Up

For more incredible websites, check out my Front Porch Pals too, I follow some really wonderful blogs!


Pinterest or Facebook …. and why?

This would be like me choosing my favorite kid (if I had kids!!!!) and that’s not fair. Besides, Facebook and Pinterest are completely different and used for different purposes. Next question!


Twitter or Instagram …. and why?

Twitter. This is an easy question because I don’t have Instagram. I don’t use it whatsoever. I don’t have a fancy-schmancy phone, I don’t have Internet-capabilities, *AND* I don’t send or receive text messages. Say wha?!?! Yep, I’m not a texter. =)


Favorite YouTube video is ….

I don’t watch many YouTube videos, but these two are really funny. I could watch the talking animals and Tim Hawkins for hours. Priceless. So funny. I’d like to see Tim Hawkins live, he’s a great entertainer.

Go watch these videos!!!!!!


What is your biggest online pet peeve?

I don’t like when links open in the same browser window that’ open, I want it to open in a new one. I don’t want to the lose the page or post that I’m on and, besides, I want to choose when I’m ready to leave a page!!!!!

Happy Sunday!!!!!!


Sunday Social | the glory days


Boy, am I glad it’s Sunday. I have, admittedly, had an attitude as sour as a sack of lemons for a couple of days. It hasn’t been a good weekend so I’m sorry if I’ve been non-ladylike towards you.

Sunday Social

What were you like in middle and high school?

Middle school was not the most pleasant. Most of my friends were older and I moved to a new school (beginning of the 7th grade), plus I was a new student from the “rival” county. Yeah, lucky me. Fortunately, my church’s youth group was large, active, and welcoming of “the new kid” even though I was much younger.

{ I am in the blue striped shirt, back row, top left. This was at Homecoming in  2001 or 2002. }

The first day of high school, I walked in wearing braces and contacts (thank you GOD for saving me from wearing my dreadful glasses!!!!) and prayed for the next four years to go by in record-breaking fashion. It did.

High school was like a big family, we had our dysfunctional moments and glory days too. For the most part, I think we all got along. A group of classmates (about 20) had gone to preschool with me and it was nice to “grow up” with them. I considered myself to be popular and in the “cool” crowd. I was an athlete, officer in several clubs and organizations, and was part of the yearbook staff. As a junior, I was business manager and Editor my senior year. Even though WCHS was small (less than 800 students total), our yearbook was/is gorgeous. Lucky for us, our advisor’s brother was a representative with the publisher!!!!

A few weeks ago, we had our 10 year reunion and I had a fabulous time. It felt great, not only to be back home in Kentucky, but to reconnect in person (Facebook is not the same!) with the folks I had not seen in a decade. I am not joking when I say I had not seen them since our graduation day in May 2002. I think we graduated on a Friday and by Monday I was somewhere in the southeast corner of Georgia playing in a golf tournament. My first year of college was spent in Louisville, Kentucky and then I transferred to Beaumont, Texas and again to Texas A&M University in Commerce. I had big dreams to get out of the small town, but every day that I get older, the more I miss my hometown. But, I got what I asked for and I am truly blessed.

Anyway, thanks to Facebook, I stay in contact with the majority of my former classmates that I don’t get to see very often in person. With others, including Mrs. Green, we stay in touch through our blogs.

What were your favorite past times?

At age six (I think), I began playing golf with my parents at the country club, where we were members. I spent most of my younger days in the swimming pool, but eventually wised up and focused on golf. It was my world. It consumed most of my time, especially summer breaks from school, and it paid for most of my college education. For that, I am thankful. There are days I miss the game, but I do not miss the nastiness of competition.

{ Golfing days were definitely some of my glory days … not to mention skinny days. }

What songs were you obsessed with?

I admit to knowing every word to songs by The Backstreet Boys, n’Sync, and The Spice Girls, but my preferred genre of music was/is/always will be country. George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Faith Hill, are timeless favorites. Of course, I’m also a fan of Celine Dion (anybody want to send me to Las Vegas for her show? Please?), Cher (If I Could Turn Back Time music video on that navy ship and Cher’s outfit … oh my!), and Michael Bolton. I have all of their CDs. Yes, I said CDs. Remember those?!

What fashion statement do you look back on and cringe?

Ummm …. is it a fashion crime if I wear similar clothing styles still today? {blushing} I was, and still am, a t-shirt kind of girl. Khaki pants or shorts, jeans, and hoodie sweatshirts are staples. Short, no-show socks (the kind that aren’t seen while wearing shoes) have been a wardrobe requirement since I was little. I’ve always hated tall socks, unless I’m wearing boots and then I want them as high as my knees! Sunglasses (Oakleys, no less) and a cap were wardrobe signatures of mine too. In high school, I was actively recruited by several colleges and university, including Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. I had t-shirts, hats, and golf shirts with “FU” embroidered on them. Totally cool. Totally inappropriate. I thought I was such a bad girl. {sigh}

Who was your celeb crush?

For the longest time, I have been an Atlanta Braves baseball fan. I’ve been to Turner Field several times and even skipped my SENIOR PROM to attend a Braves game in St. Louis. The highlight of that trip was the hug I received from Chipper Jones. I’m pretty sure he had the same feelings for me as I did for him.

I also crushed for John Rocker, a former relief pitcher for the Braves, for a brief while. But he fell off my “crush” wagon when he fell off the “sane” wagon. Steroids, anyone?!

I knew Husband was a keeper when he gave me a Chipper Jones jersey for my birthday. He understood my crush even then.

What were your favorite TV shows and movies?

Have we not covered this question in another Sunday Social questionnaire? In any event, Wheel of Fortune was a favorite of mine way-back-when and it still is today. I still watch the local and national news (yay for Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News) too.
My favorite movies back then (and still today) were Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, and Pretty Woman.

Happy Sunday — have a blessed day!


Sunday Social | the boys of FALL

HAPPY SUNDAY!!!!!!!! Welcome to another installment of Sunday Social, a weekly link-up hosted by Neely and Ashley. This week’s questions are all about fall, my FAV-O-RITE time of year. In fact, I tolerate the hot summers by reminding myself, “Fall will be here soon. Fall will be here soon.” I know, I’m pathetic!

This is perhaps my favorite Sunday Social (to date) because I love, love, love, love, LOVE this time of year. The leaves are turning deep shades of orange and crimson, the football fields have been freshly painted, and the weather is just cool enough for a light jacket or, my favorite clothing staple: a hoodie sweatshirt. Of course, fall also means farmers are in the fields harvesting crops, logs are stacked for fireplaces or outdoor fire pits, and I can shave my legs less often since I’m wearing long pants or blue jeans. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday Social

What is your favorite FALL activity?

It’s not that I have particular activities that I enjoy in the fall, as much as it is I actually enjoy being OUTSIDE this time of year. Living in the South, summers are unbearable and you can find me (most days) hiding inside with the blinds and curtains drawn, fans blowing, and the air-conditioning on. Husband goes to the team-roping arenas more frequently in the fall, and it’s so much more enjoyable to watch him in his element with Blue.

Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?

I love football. No doubt about it. I’m going against my Southern Roots a bit, but it’s the honest truth: when it comes to football, I am a die-hard LOYALIST to the Southeastern Conference. There’s nothing better than watching SEC Football on Saturday. (When it comes to basketball, however, I bleed blue for the University of Kentucky.) I love the rich tradition of football in the South, and tail-gating with friends before the big game, and getting all dolled up in team colors. *When I say dolled up, I mean folks get dressed up. In the South, our Mamas taught us to always look nice and Game Day is no exception!

What is something FUN about FALL in the area you live?

The State Fair of Texas is in September, I’ve been once to that mega-event. It’s too big, though. I didn’t have time to visit all of the exhibits. After-dark is my favorite time of day, whether I’m with friends around a fire pit or with Husband.

What are your FALL wardrobe essentials?

Oh this is easy ……. flip flops and a hoodie sweatshirt!!!!!!! A nice pair of worn jeans and cowboy boots are nice too. But, again, living in Texas – where the weather changes in an instant – I have every season’s wardrobe available year-round. During the day, I might be wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but come sunset, it’s cool enough for a sweatshirt. Those are my favorite nights!!!!!

What are you most looking forward to this fall?

I would like to enroll in a few photography courses that are outside because I think my pictures are better in natural light. I might carve a pumpkin or two this year, since I haven’t done it in so long. I want to get my house clean and host a dinner party or two with friends, I have new recipes I want to try and Husband won’t help me eat some of the creations!

What is your favorite FALL holiday? Traditions?

My favorite fall holiday is Thanksgiving. My favorite fall tradition (could be a holiday, in the right crowd of people) is harvest time in the fields. I love going home to Kentucky while the farmers are in the fields harvesting their crops. It’s a dirty, dusty time, but it’s a good time. I was home last fall and spent significant time on the farm riding on machinery in the fields and riding in the tractor/trailer to market. You can read all about the experience here.

Now it’s YOUR turn to answer these questions. What do you love about FALL? Please leave a comment, I’m so glad you stopped by. Happy Sunday!


Sunday Social | a link-up

It’s Sunday, that means it’s time for Sunday Social, a link-up hosted by Neely and Ashley. While you’re here, don’t forget to enter the *GIVEAWAY* sponsored by Copper River.

Sunday Social

What is your dream job?

If somebody would pay me to travel, cook (and eat too), blog, and learn photography, I’d fill out an I-9 and hand over a voided check for direct deposit.

You’ve just won the lottery and have a ton of money.
Now that you’re financially set, how do you spend your time?

If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is notify Husband and let him do his financial-savvy-thing. He’s the numbers guy. Once our mortgage was paid, retirements fluffed and cushioned, and whatever other necessities were handled, I’d make sure our parents were taken care of. I’d travel for fun and go on several mission trips. While Husband roped and trained horses, I’d start accomplishing items on my bucket list. I’d also hire somebody to be my personal tutor and teach me Photoshop and really utilize this Nikon camera.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing but here goes nothing. My aspirations were so high!!!

  • waitress
  • school bus driver
  • marine biologist
  • teacher
  • professional golfer
  • journalist
  • public relations specialist

What piece of advice would you give to someone
just beginning their career in your field?

My career fields have spanned human resources, marketing and business development, and education. For any college graduate, my one piece of advice would be to network and develop as many relationships with positive, successful people as possible. Nearly every position I’ve ever obtained was reinforced by an internal contact within the organization I was applying to. Plus, you learn valuable skills and insight from those who have experience and willing to share their “lessons” to newbies. I like to have mentors in several age groups ……. from young and hip to older and wiser, plus a few bad asses thrown in the mix for good measure. Variety is the spice of life right?!

Name your biggest pet peeves in life … with blogging … at work.

Food juices running on my plate. Stubborn, confrontational people with attitudes. Cabinet doors and drawers left open. Pickles perfectly arranged on my hamburger. Parchment paper covering the entire surface of a baking sheet. All six programmed radio stations playing commercials at the same time.

As far as blogging is concerned, sometimes I get peeved at myself when I start making comparisons with the bigger fish in the sea. I want the people who play in their sandboxes to come and play in mine. When, in reality, my readers are the bee’s knees and rock my socks and I’m grateful for every one of them. Coming up with content for new posts is a challenge at times, but thank goodness for a vast amount of supporters and daily blog reads. I’m constantly inspired by other bloggers when it comes to post titles, subjects, themes, etc.

Pet peeves at work? I’m peeved that nobody will pay me to travel, cook (and eat too), blog, and learn photography. DUH!!!!

What are your biggest fears?

I’m not afraid of dying, per se, but I’m afraid of a painful or miserable death. Does that make sense? For example, I’d rather *NOT* die in fire, water, or violent crime. Those don’t rate too high on my priority list. I also really dislike scorpions and I’m always afraid of getting stung again. Not a pleasant feeling. I’m also afraid of something serious happening to a family member in Kentucky while I’m in Texas …… those 850 miles seem like an infinity when all you want to do is be home. And, last but not least, I fear that my loved ones don’t hear “I love you” enough. Verbal and non-verbal affirmations are important to me, so I need to make it an important priority to share the message with others.

Shameless promotion, but this giveaway is ending soon and I don’t want anybody to miss out on their chances to win a fabulous leather bag from Copper River
Bag Co. Click the image below for more details and instructions for contest entry.

{ click HERE to enter to GIVEAWAY }

Just a reminder: I love my blog readers and I appreciate you and value your presence and time spent in this little piece of the virtual world.


Sunday Social | my purse … ohmygawd

It’s Sunday … the day Neely and Ashley host the Sunday Social link-up. This week is all about purses and handbags, not exactly by cup-o-tea, but I’m doing the link party anyways. I’m also doing a lil’ shameless promotion for the *GIVEAWAY* I’m currently hosting with Copper River Bag Co. Y’all, if you are a living, breathing, sane person, you MUST enter this contest! The leather bag is gaw-geous!!!

* GIVEAWAY end August 5 …. enter and spread the word *

Sunday Social

What’s your favorite handbag you’ve ever owned?

Before we go any further, there’s something you should know about me … I’m not much of a purse person. Yes, I have a few handbags, but I don’t carry them often. Seriously, I consider carrying a wallet and phone an inconvenience. I like my hands to be free and all of these “items” wear me down. That’s one reason I never wear pants or shorts without pockets.
As for my favorite handbag, probably the multi-colored Coach bag that Husband bought me many, many moons ago when we were first together. I saw it, said I liked it, and a week later it was mine. He later surprised me on my birthday with another Coach purse and matching wallet. The guy’s always keeping me on my toes.

What is your dream handbag that you lust over?

{ photo source }

I don’t *LUST* after this bag. That would be ridiculous. However, I think this bag is absolutely gorgeous. The price, however, is insanely expensive ….. $398. I saw this satchel at the Coach store in Washington, D.C. and the leather was like BUTT-TAHHHH. Husband even placed his big hands on this bag and said, “wow, that’s nice.” When I showed him the price tag, he said, “put that down, now!”


Identify / Describe the daily essentials in your purse or work bag.

My essentials are a wallet and cell phone. I always carry those with me, no matter where I’m going. I admit though, most often they are left in a hidden compartment in my car. However, if I’m going inside a store, I’ll carry a purse. Even more strange, every Sunday morning I carry a massive L.L. Bean original tote bag to church. I know, it’s really weird but here’s the truth: this bag is an essential because it holds EVERYTHING imaginable. Each week, I create media slides for worship and need my laptop in case an emergency arises. I also have my planner, journal and Bible inside. And a water bottle.


What’s in your purse right now?

My purse is empty. My cell phone and wallet are on the table beside me. I’m so weird. I know.



Please don’t be mad about my very disappointing purse contents, or lack thereof. But hey, I have a seriously AWESOME giveaway going on that you should check out.


{ click HERE to enter to GIVEAWAY }


Sunday Social | TRAVELING here, there, and everywhere

Yes, the title is Sunday and today is Saturday. Sue me. It’s been a CRAZYYYYYY week:

  • Monday afternoon, Husband and I went to the indoor gun range and I shot several good groups with my new Ruger Mark III. Three groups were really good, then had a couple of others that were pitiful. Just my luck.
  • Monday through Thursday evening, my church provided a Vacation Bible School program to a group of kids at a community center near downtown Fort Worth. Most of the time I walked around with a raccoon puppet on my hand entertaining children and adults with my Pollyanna-ness. Other times, I was taking pictures, singing and dancing to “Call Me Maybe” (totally NOT a part of the VBS program, but 4-year-old girls are crazy like that), and keeping us on schedule. It’s a blessing-filled ministry, and I’m glad to be a part of it.
  • Tuesday morning I had a job interview for a position that’s incredibly entry-level and WAY below my education, experience, and skill level. I don’t believe in saying ‘no’ to an interview opportunity. Besides, my curiosity led me to other positions that are “up to par,” per se.
  • Since Wednesday, I’ve been working on a project that’s coming to fruition this Sunday. It’s exciting and nerve-wrecking and GOOD all rolled into one. I spent all day Thursday reading a book, completing a chapter analysis for all 11 chapters, and incorporating that information into a presentation. Did the same Friday morning.
  • When Husband got home Friday evening, I was ready for a quiet, relaxing night on the couch in my pajamas. Before I could even dip supper onto my plate, his cell phone rang and we were meeting a guy for a Craigslist deal a half-hour later. Got home, ate dinner, made potato salad for a function tonight (Saturday), and at 9:30 his phone rang again. Next thing I know, we were in his truck headed towards the Fort Worth Stockyards to buy a flat-bed trailer. If I been dressed properly, we could have stopped at Billy Bob’s for the Aaron Watson concert … pajamas are not cowboy-approved. Duh.
  • Saturday (today) involved a trip to the gun range and the feed store. Tonight, dinner with friends. Tomorrow, I’ll be at church most of the day.

All of that to say this …… if I didn’t publish this post now, I would forget tomorrow.

I’ll link to Neely and Ashley as soon as possible. In the meantime, join the fun!!!!!!

Sunday Social

What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on?

These questions are really hard for a person who’s indecisive. I remember as a little girl my first time to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and the first time I swam in the ocean near
St. Petersburg. I loved our recent trip to Washington, D.C. Heck, going HOME to Kentucky ranks high on my places to visit. My best trip ~ though the most demanding physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ~was Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I knew before arriving
it would be difficult, but it was an experience I’ll never forget. And, I’m returning in October!

What is your idea of a girls’ weekend trip?

I wanna talk about sex and encourage other women to acknowledge and embrace their Inner Goddess. Laters, baby.

Wait, did I just say that in my out loud voice?


I’d apologize, but it would be a lie.

I mean …… I wanna apply a gross looking exfoliating mask to my face, sip mimosas and talk about the weather while my toes are painted a lovely shade of neon fuchsia. Yeah. Right.

What is your idea of a couples’ trip?

Husband is NOT a traveler. We’ve been together 10 years, married five, and we’ve yet to go on an official honeymoon. His idea of a couples’ trip is me tagging-along to an implement auction in who-knows-where or going to a roping or to the gun range. My idea of a couples’ trip includes historic landmarks of the “13 colonies,” skiing in Colorado, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and Alaska. We did NOT marry because of our mutual love of traveling. Obviously.

What’s the best “on the cheap” vacation?

I have “on the cheap” vacations all the time … it’s called STAY AT HOME. I go to Kentucky as often as possible, that’s inexpensive if you exclude the gas to drive or plane ticket. Several years ago, I went to Mexico (without Husband, of course) with friends on a super-cheap travel plan. We paid pennies for a kick-a$$ resort suite with two bedrooms, a living area, and kitchen. Four hours at a time-share promotion got us snorkeling in Cozumel (that was pretty sweet) and a day-long trip to Chichén Itzá on the Yucatan Peninsula.

Which place do you most want to visit?

This is impossible to answer. How can I choose just one?! Holy Land, Alaska, Great Barrier Reef, Rome, New York City … just to name a few.

What are your vacation and travel necessities?

Camera supplies (Nikon camera, memory cards, extra battery and charge-cord), good shoes, local map, and prior research of the area (landmarks, tourist attractions, local eateries, etc.)

Check out my travel necessities for Washington, D.C. —–> here


Sunday Social | all about Tee-Vee shows

Neely and Ashley have created this weekly Sunday Social link-up and you should join the fun too. It’s simple and fun … what more do you need?

Sunday Social

What’s your favorite TV show of the past?

It’s impossible to choose just one: Full House, Family Matters, Saved By The Bell, Blossom, Home Improvement, the list goes on. I also loved watching the early seasons of MTV’s Real World and Road Rules. But, since Vegas, it lost my interest and I stopped watching.

What is your favorite TV show currently?

Again, impossible to choose one: Real Housewives, Top Chef, Bethenny, Wheel of Fortune, Duck Dynasty, and Chopped.

Which reality show would you NEVER do?

Hell’s Kitchen … Gordon Ramsey yelling in my face would make me cry. Besides, there’s only one boss in my kitchen and that’s me.

The Bachelor/Bachelorette … no way, Jose.

Which reality show would you LOVE to do?

I’m going wayyyyyy back for this but do y’all remember Supermarket Sweep? Yes, it was super cheesy and the matching sweatshirts were hideous, but I loved that show! Nowadays, I’d love to be on Wheel of Fortune. I watch it every night while eating dinner, yelling out the puzzle answer with a mouth full of food.

Which TV personality or character do you feel is most like you?

Kathy Wakile from The Real Housewives of New Jersey. She’s a very positive and optimistic person. She sees everybody for their potential, not their pitfalls. She loves unconditionally, and is often disappointed. But she lives life to the fullest and keeps family values and tradition her top priorities. She also likes to be in the kitchen … something I really like too!

Which TV character would you most like to date?

Without a doubt, Si Robertson. Not in a romantic kind of way {OBVIOUSLY} but that man makes me laugh …… and he drinks sweet tea. Besides, I’m sure the rest of the Robertson crew would show up at some point to “wreck” our date and I’d get to meet them as well.