Three 31

Resolution Update // February 2014


Two months down, 10 to go. It seems like time is going faster and faster, or is it just me?

February was full of milestones for Kamden: I posted his birth story and two month update. He got the first round of immunization shots, four total, yesterday (Feb 28) and he’s wearing size 2 diapers. Two of my aunts from Louisville, Kentucky spent last week with us and spoiled their great-nephew rotten (more than he already is!). It was AMAZING having them here to witness Kamden’s grins, coo’s, and spit bubbles. The loving and spoiling continue because as soon as I drop off the aunts at the DFW Airport, my Mom arrives an hour later at Dallas Love Field!

co-host a weekly link-up called “Finish This” This link-up began Jan 8 and is thriving. You don’t have to be a blogger to participate, just answer the prompts in a comment!
attend the Texas Women Bloggers’ fashion show and silent auction
write a guest post for someone
write a monthly update for Kamden


be featured on The Wise Baby
develop relations with more bloggers Thanks to Twitter, I’m surviving pump sessions in the wee hours of the night alongside other new mamas. There are four mama-bloggers in particular (Samantha, Catalyn, Cait, and Carly) who’ve become my middle-of-the-night support system for all things sleep schedules, diaper changes and mom survival sense … in 140 characters or less. I don’t know what I’d do without these girls in the middle of the night. We laugh, we cry, we pout, and when we think we can’t go another second without sleep, our babes have a holy moment of silence.
reach 500 followers on Twitter

have professional newborn photos taken of Kamden photos taken Dec 30, 2013 by Jennifer Wynne Photography
learn Lightroom
acquire this lens
take lessons with a professional
have professional family portraits taken for our 2014 Christmas card

bake homemade bread in my Le Creuset loaf pan
eat at a celebrity chef’s restaurant
prepare Kamden’s baby food
create a monthly meal plan
host a dinner party
prepare a dish with curry
eat Neopolitan pizza at Cavalli Pizzeria in Irving
try a new food
JANUARY: I’ve spent more than $100 on specialty lactation products said to increase breast milk supply. I have organic rolled oats and flax seeds, fenugreek supplements, loose tea, essential oils, and granola mixes. If milk isn’t squirting out of my nipples every time I sneeze, I’ll be disappointed.
I found the perfect recipe for LACTATION COOKIES.

Thompson family reunion in Louisville, KY
Perot Science Museum in Dallas, TX

meet with a lawyer and create our wills
open a savings account for Kamden
have my gallbladder removed and tubes tied
have my DSLR professionally cleaned
renew my gym membership
hire a personal trainer
wear a size 12
get fitted for a bra
plan a weekend getaway with Husband
plan an overnight girls trip
go hog hunting
compete in a shooting tournament
go to the eye doctor and get new contacts
watch Jerusalem, the IMAX film
sell my car
buy a used SUV
attend a wedding
attend a non-Christian religious event or ceremony
go to a concert
go to a musical or play
go to a college sporting event
go to a professional sporting event
take pictures for someone
donate to a worthy cause
clean out my closet
write a letter

MacBook Pro
square-toe cowboy boots
Warby Parker glasses

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child This was an impulse purchase at 3:00am when I was trying to soothe a fussy newborn who would NOT go to sleep. I’ve made several purchases like this recently. There are books full of fix-it solutions for absolutely everything, especially eating and sleeping issues related to babies. I see both sides to every argument and I’m convinced there’s no perfect answer. But that didn’t stop me from writing this post seeking the advice and personal experience from parents about sleep training their own children.
The Twelve Tribes of Hattie
All Is Grace Rev. L suggested this right before she left for another trip to Jerusalem, which I’m pea green with envy about since she’ll be floating in the Dead Sea and eating shawarma without me. It’s a book I would have never found on my own but one I enjoyed. The author, Brennan Manning, a recovering alcoholic and former Franciscan priest, shares tales of his spiritual journey and how he has experienced God’s grace in a variety of ways in the strangest of places. ‘Tis a good read.
The Signature of All Things
Happier At Home

mail Kamden’s birth announcements FAIL but let me explain: we received Kamden’s birth day photos and I ordered the announcement cards last week. Hopefully, they ship soon so I can address envelopes and mail them before Valentine’s Day. Which brings me to next month’s goals……

February: Create a photo project for Valentine’s Day and send to the grandparents. DONE. Photo albums were mailed to the grandparents and two great-grandmothers on February 13. Address and mail Kamden’s birth announcements. DONE. Birth announcements were mailed to 65 friends and family on February 13. Schedule surgery to remove gallbladder and dismantle baby-making machinery. DONE. Surgery is scheduled March 4. Have 100 ounces of breast milk in the freezer by the end of the month. DONE. There are 52 bags, each containing six ounces, and, if my math is correct, that’s 312 ounces of breast milk collected in just ONE month —  I’m a machine!

March: Visit Lara in Salado. Send new photos to the grandparents and great-grandmothers for their album. Write a few more blog posts. Celebrate our seventh anniversary with dinner and a movie.

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

4 thoughts on “Resolution Update // February 2014

  1. You ARE a machine! How long’s Charlotte staying? Who’s keeping Kamden on 3/31?

    • I really AM a pumping machine! Mom’s here for 12 days, I think. My surgery is Tuesday, March 4 and she’ll be here to take care of Little Man while I recover. I probably won’t be able to lift the Chunky Monkey for a week or two. (super sad face)

  2. as long as you achieve a few of these things each month… you should be happy!… life makes twists and turns in our well-laid plans!

Let me know what you think. I read and enjoy each and every one of your comments!!