Three 31

Finish This #9


Welcome to Week 9 of Finish This! If you’re new here, welcome. This link-up is hosted by LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and I.  If you’ve joined us before, thanks for returning and be sure you add your post to the link-up. If you don’t have a blog, don’t fret. Answer the prompts in a comment. Next week’s prompts are provided at the bottom of this post.

Share this link-up on social media and invite a friend to join the fun!


1. My favorite comfort food is
Ughhh, I hate questions that make me choose a favorite food. Does it look like I have preferences or missed a meal? Does it look like I’ve met a food I didn’t like? I associate most foods or dishes with comfort, it’s a “perk” of being overweight my entire life! Among my favorites: grilled pork tenderloin and green bean casserole; chicken strips with sweet-and-sour sauce; roast beef with mashed potatoes, carrots, and biscuits and gravy; toast topped with peach preserves; chicken noodle soup; chocolate chip cookies; sweet tea; baked chicken and wild rice; and, homemade granola. Lately, though, my source of food comfort has come in a humble bowl of hot oatmeal. Every morning, before Kamden wakes up, I eat a bowl of oatmeal made with soy milk. To make it interesting, I add dried fruit, usually cranberries, blueberries, and raisins. I add a drizzle of maple syrup or agave nectar on top for extra sweetness. If you looked in the pantry, you’d see a 10-pound box of oatmeal and 5-pound bag of raisins from Sam’s. No, I’m not feeding a small country … I’m eating to support a good lactation supply!

2. My most memorable birthday was
Dirty Thirty. I was pregnant when I turned 30 and two days later I gave birth to Kamden!

3. The best karaoke song is
Cher’s If I Could Turn Back Time. I used to sing this at the top of my lungs, with a hairbrush as a microphone, to anyone who’d listen! I haven’t done karaoke in forever, but I think the last time I did, I performed Shania Twain’s Any Man of Mine. I’m sure it was epic.

4. Boots make me feel
ridiculous and too tall. I have a pair of Fat Babies that are easy to wear and have great support, but I don’t like the rounded toe. They also make me about two inches taller than I already am, which makes me uncomfortable because most of my friends are short. One of these days, when I’ve lost weight and look decent in a pair of jeans, I’m getting a pair of legit square-toed cowboy boots.

5. I am grateful
for skilled doctors; medicine that keep me comfortable without icky feelings of nausea; an attentive husband and mother who take care of Kamden around the clock; and medical insurance. I had surgery yesterday (gallbladder removed and tubes tied) and I’m still feeling it today. Though it was an outpatient procedure, I’m extremely sore and slow-moving. Recovery is going to take some time and I’m limited to how much I’m allowed to lift. Not being able to pick up Kamden for mommy/son cuddles or feedings is killing me, but he’s in very good hands with Husband and Nana C here!

Now it’s your turn. Answer these prompts in a post on your own blog or, if you do not have a blog, simply add your responses in a comment. Join us next Wednesday for another round of Finish This where we’ll answer the prompts below!

Prompts for WEEK #10 (March 12) are:
My boobs are
My heart is
One thing every woman should know
My breakfast typically consists of
I’m so glad I learned the secret to

Author: Nicole

Born in Kentucky. Lives in Texas. Daughter of the Living God. Husband's wife. Kamden's mom. Director of Outreach and Communications at FUMC Joshua.

13 thoughts on “Finish This #9

  1. Pingback: Prompts for WEEK #10… Finish This… | MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

  2. I hope you recover quickly!

  3. Okay my mouth is watering after reading about your comfort foods. Green bean casserole YES! It needs to make more appearances than only around Thanksgiving, it doesn’t get enough love! And even as an adult, I will order chicken tenders out…. with white gravy!

    And now I am singing Cher !

  4. I love iced tea – though my “sweet” tea isn’t as sweet as some would be. I only add 1/3 of a cup to my gallon jug as it cools. I learned that was the perfect balance for me. Yum biscuits and gravy. You picked great songs – I LOVE LOVE any man of mine too. So much. Reminds me of my senior year, that whole album actually.
    And yuck surgery, but I am glad at least you are on the road to recovery! Thinking of you!

    • Awww, thank you so much! Last May, when I was rushed to the ER with gallstones (and learned I was pregnant too), I overhauled my eating habits by eliminating excess sugar and fried foods with more fresh fruit and produce. Eliminating my beloved sweet tea was difficult, but totally worth it. I used to drink REALLY sweet, regular tea and, since May, I’ve only had decaf unsweet tea. I also dilute it with water … I do this with juice too. Most things taste too sweet for me now, my body has adjusted and I don’t miss the sugar at all. Surgery went well and I’m recovering slowly but surely. Every day is better than the day before.

  5. Hoping you are better really soon. It is amazing how many women have gallbladder surgery after giving birth! Your list of comfort foods made me drool! I love everyone of them too!

  6. Oh wow, I’m glad you have such great help while you recover from surgery! Family really is the greatest gift. I’m sure you’ll be back to snuggling your sweet babe soon! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    • Thanks so much, Krista! Recovery is going well, I feel better today than I did yesterday …. I suspect I’ll progress a little more every day. Family, without a doubt, is the BEST ever and I’m blessed to have the best!!!!

  7. I am so heartbroken that you can’t snuggle with your little lamb. He’s soooo good at it! And those giggles… Ahh! Kill me! Glad you are home, resting.

    • No snuggles for me means Nana C gets them. I swear, she’s going to kiss the skin right off my boy!!!!!!!! Kamden has been a perfect trooper, remaining on his schedule and still sleeping, eating, and filling diapers like he’s supposed to. Mom will bring him into the bedroom so I can see him and that toothless grin of his melts me. I love my Chunky Monkey!!!!

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